Feel free to contact us:Elaine Favel - President - Ile a la Crosse 306-833-2388 (school)306-833-7609 (cell)Email: efavel@sasktel.netMatt Koebernick - Vice President - Buffalo Narrows 306-235-4240 (school)Email: mattkoebernick@nlsd113.caStephen King - Secretary-Treasurer - Beauval306-288-2022 (school)306-288-7650 (cell)Email: stephengking@nlsd113.ca
Contact Us
“Sit nulla id ut non excepteur dolore? Eiusmod dolore veniam ea officia. Veniam voluptate nulla labore ad id eiusmod reprehenderit labore deserunt. Dolor id commodo incididunt anim incididunt cupidatat pariatur dolore cillum ut sit voluptate commodo labore magna velit do.”
Feel free to contact us:Elaine Favel - President - Ile a la Crosse 306-833-2388 (school)306-833-7609 (cell)Email: efavel@sasktel.netMatt Koebernick - Vice President - Buffalo Narrows 306-235-4240 (school)Email: mattkoebernick@nlsd113.caStephen King - Secretary-Treasurer - Beauval306-288-2022 (school)306-288-7650 (cell)Email: stephengking@nlsd113.ca