The BRAA (Beaver River Athletic Association) is the governing body for athletic events for the elementary schools and high schools in Northwest Saskatchewan. Athletic directors from the member schools meet throughout the school year to plan, administer and report on sporting events for the member schools which include local tournaments (BRAA) as well as Conference championships, Districts and Provincial Championships. The association deals with all aspects of governing these events or sending individuals and/or teams to non-local competitions. Athletic directors representing the BRAA also attend meetings of the Northwest High School Athletic Association ( throughout the year.
About us
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The BRAA (Beaver River Athletic Association) is the governing body for athletic events for the elementary schools and high schools in Northwest Saskatchewan. Athletic directors from the member schools meet throughout the school year to plan, administer and report on sporting events for the member schools which include local tournaments (BRAA) as well as Conference championships, Districts and Provincial Championships. The association deals with all aspects of governing these events or sending individuals and/or teams to non-local competitions. Athletic directors representing the BRAA also attend meetings of the Northwest High School Athletic Association ( throughout the year.